Billy Tjong
Besar di keluarga pebisnis kain dan garmen, dunia fashion bukanlah sesuatu yang baru bagi Billy Tjong. Memulai kariernya sebagai desainer pada tahun 2001, ia dikenal dengan kreasi-kreasi gaun malam dan gaun pernikahan yang cantik. Billy yang juga merupakan seorang fotografer profesional secara konsisten terus merilis koleksi siap-pakai yang dicirikan dengan digital print dari foto dan siluet yang inovatif.
Di antara sekian banyak prestasinya, Billy Tjong telah dua kali memperoleh penghargaan di Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award pada tahun 2004 dan 2005.
Di antara sekian banyak prestasinya, Billy Tjong telah dua kali memperoleh penghargaan di Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award pada tahun 2004 dan 2005.
Raised in family of fabric and garment business, the fashion world is not something new for Billy Tjong. Starting his career as a designer in 2001, he is known for his creations of gorgeous evening and wedding gowns. Billy is also a professional photographer and has consistently releases collections of ready-to-wear characterized by digital prints of his photographs and innovative silhouettes.
Among his many accomplishments, Billy Tjong has twice received awards at the Mercedes-Benz Asia Fashion Award in 2004 and 2005.
BILLY TJONGAchievements
Concours International des Jeunes Creatures de Mode (2003)Mercedes Benz Asia Fashion Award (2004, 2005)
Lomba Perancang Mode Femina (2005)
Third Generation of Indonesia Fashion Forward (2014)
BILLY TJONG Wedding & Photography
[email protected]
Instagram: @billy_tjong
Facebook: BILLY TJONG Wedding & Photography
Twitter: @billy_tjong
Sudirman Park Apartment
Tower A 28BA
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 35-36
Jakarta Pusat 10220