Milcah, yang didirikan oleh Milka Faustine dan Eda Arthaputri, terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup muda dan dinamis. Pakaian mereka menggabungkan kenyamanan dan kekhasan melalui siluet longgar, potongan asimetris, dan nuansa monokromatik. Setiap desain pakaian Milcah, seperti signature shawl shirt mereka yang terkenal, memberikan kebebasan bagi pemakainya untuk mencoba gaya yang berbeda-beda. Label ini telah memperoleh beberapa penghargaan selama hampir 5 tahun berdiri, salah satunya Most Innovative Local Brand Award dari Cleo Magazine di tahun 2011.
Di JFW 2022, Milcah akan ambil bagian di panggung Indonesia Fashion Forward bersama RiaMiranda, Alex[a]lexa, berkolaborasi dengan Pijakbumi.
Di JFW 2022, Milcah akan ambil bagian di panggung Indonesia Fashion Forward bersama RiaMiranda, Alex[a]lexa, berkolaborasi dengan Pijakbumi.
Milcah, which was established by Faustine and Eda Arthaputri, inspired by a young and dynamic lifestyle. Their clothes combine comfort and uniqueness through loose silhouettes, asymmetrical cuts and monochromatic shades. Each Milcah design, such as their famous signature shirt shawl, gives freedom to the wearer to try different styles. This label has gained several awards for almost 5 years of its existence, one of which is the Most Innovative Local Brand Award from Cleo Magazine in 2011.
At JFW 2022, Milcah will be taking part in Indonesia Fashion Forwards show along with RiaMiranda and Alex[a]lexa, in collaboration with Pijakbumi.
Most Innovative Local Brand - Cleo Fashion Awards (2011)InStyle Ready To Wear Award (2012)
Second Generation of Indonesia Fashion Forward (2013)
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