Kelly Tandiono
Kelly Tandiono adalah pendiri Cover Me Not (CMN), jenama gaya hidup dengan tanggung jawab sosial yang didedikasikan untuk memberdayakan wanita dengan semua bentuk tubuhnya melalui mode. Memulai karier modeling-nya pada usia 16 tahun, Kelly memperoleh pengakuan sebagai mentor model dan juri di Asia's Next Top Model. Bakatnya tidak hanya di dunia modeling; ia juga telah menorehkan prestasi sebagai aktris dalam berbagai produksi film Indonesia.
Kelly Tandiono is the visionary founder of Cover Me Not (CMN), a socially responsible lifestyle brand dedicated to empowering women of all body types through fashion. Starting her modeling career at just sixteen, Kelly gained recognition as a model mentor and judge on Asia's Next Top Model. Her talents extend beyond modeling; she has also made her mark as an actress in numerous Indonesian productions.
Cover Me Not (CMN) terlahir dari passion Kelly untuk menciptakan fashion yang seksi dan edgy untuk merayakan wanita, sekaligus mewujudkan komitmennya tentang keberlanjutan lingkungan.
Cover Me Not (CMN) was born from Kelly's passion for creating sexy, edgy fashion that celebrates all women, alongside her commitment to environmental sustainability.
Penghargaan yang diterima Kelly termasuk Elle Model of the Year, dijuluki sebagai 'It Girl' oleh Majalah Prestige, dan masuk dalam daftar 20 Women of the Year versi Wolipop dan 99 Most Influential Women versi Jakarta Globe. Ia juga berpartisipasi dalam Royal Bali International Film Festival.
Kelly's accolades include being named Elle Model of the Year, recognized as an "It Girl" by Prestige Magazine, and featured among Wolipop's 20 Women of the Year and Jakarta Globe's "99 Most Influential Women." She also participated in the Royal Bali International Film Festival.
Nomor ponsel: +6282113128647
Website: www.covermenot.com
Media sosial:
Website: www.covermenot.com
Media sosial:
- Instagram: covermenot.co
- TikTok: covermenot
- Facebook: Cover Me Not
Latest Articles From Kelly Tandiono
January 05, 2023